Friday 21 May 2021

The run of my year

At NBC the hole school did cross country. Cross country is were the hole school joins together out in the domain and each class does a big run room 5 and room 6 joined together for there run. Each class is  split into their own house colors the house colors are: Chanel-red Euphrasie-blue Pompallier-green Aquinas-yellow. Each class room
gets changed and puts on a pair  of black running shorts with a t-shirt
of the color of your house color.The year 4s ran 1 km Mackenzie came 1st I came 2nd and Violet came 3rd and after that I saw Stella she is an amazing friend. Then we watched the other races. After all the races. We went to are own classes and got in to are school uniform and went home.


  1. KIA ORA Rose
    I love how you put existing words my favourite part is when you named the
    houses and their colours.
    your friend Stella

  2. Thanks Stella that is very nice.


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