Monday 13 December 2021

the big day

                                The big days.
talent show
   IT was Friday  10th November 2021 witch means we had the talent show violet carys  Stella and i.
     we did the song everybody we all did it just for fun.
   the year before last year  violet and I did the talent show we came 1st place we were so happy.
   the reason why we did'int do the  talent show last year was because off covid 19.

  music performance.
  It was Thursday  9th November 2021 witch means it was the music performance we all went on the  court   to watch a big music performance and i was in it. it was my first time you only go on stage if you do music with  mike. I played sia cheap thrills and dont let me down. Stella did it with me she played piano for cheap thrills and singing for dont let me down. 

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