Wednesday 25 November 2020

the shrinking rose and carys.

 Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl who had beautiful smooth brown hair. Her name was Rose.

Then one day she  went to school but… she shrunk. 

She didn't know how she shrunk in the  first place. 

So she nearly got stepped on then she went to the door and Carys her best best friend shrunk to. She didn't no how she became little either.

So then a dog came into the class and his name was Bear there were two  more other dogs called Doogle

and gerkin luckily they were too small to be seen by the three dogs.

So they decided to  have some fun. They went into the kitchen and put two cups on the floor and flipped them the right way round the cups had water in them Rose had cold water and so did Carys because it was a hot day. So we got into are togs and… splash! they jumped in one cup each.then they saw that the fridge was open so then rose ate  some lemons and limes and grapes and strawberries and pineapple. Carys ate watermalen lemons and we both ate blueberries and lemony  water.

Then we heard someone coming.

So it was time to grow back somehow. Carys made something like a poiten and she put it on her and I.

Then we grew and it was time to go home.

The end.



  1. Rose,

    I am so proud to see you grouping your ideas into paragraphs, well done. Our next step in class is to check over our punctuation, can we add any commas, speech marks?

    Keep it up you are awesome!
    Miss Esselink

  2. Kia ora Rose i love your story and i cant believe you write so much.
    I love when you said we went to the fridge and and ate watermelon and lemons.
    How did we get in the fridge?

  3. thanks for reading the story I did int put that part in the story but I should of put they jumped on a chair


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