Monday 13 December 2021

the big day

                                The big days.
talent show
   IT was Friday  10th November 2021 witch means we had the talent show violet carys  Stella and i.
     we did the song everybody we all did it just for fun.
   the year before last year  violet and I did the talent show we came 1st place we were so happy.
   the reason why we did'int do the  talent show last year was because off covid 19.

  music performance.
  It was Thursday  9th November 2021 witch means it was the music performance we all went on the  court   to watch a big music performance and i was in it. it was my first time you only go on stage if you do music with  mike. I played sia cheap thrills and dont let me down. Stella did it with me she played piano for cheap thrills and singing for dont let me down. 

Monday 1 November 2021

All saints day.

 kia ora today is November 1st.

                                         witch means its all saint day. So were making an acrostic poem.

      A. amazing

    L. love

    L. lucky 






   D. delivering life 

   A. a peace of care.

   Y.yes saints are amazing.

   by Rose and Hanna.

Thursday 28 October 2021

My goal

                                             My Athletics Goal.

                    We are preparing for athletics and my goal long jump  because 

                     I have lots of fun doing it.

 Athletics day helps to get you fit and healthy. When you do athletics you should warm up 

and then drink some water.

Here are some things we do in  athletics:

Long jump high jump shot put running and discuss.


Now its Athletics and I came 3rd  for running. I had fun doing long jump 

you were aloud to take off your shoes and socks. So I did because we had to run and jump

into sand  so I did'int want sand on my socks or in my shoes.




Wednesday 15 September 2021

amazing dog facts

At school in are reading groups we made a poster about dogs.

Thursday 29 July 2021

royal card

 AT NBC in room 5  we made cards. The cards can be  any shapes or sizes. The cards were creative and good.I liked everyone's cards in are class. 

Sunday 11 July 2021

facts about amazing polar bears.

 1. Polar bears  live in the arctic. 

2. polar bears have black skin although their fur appears              white it's actually just transparent.

3.polar bears are the largest meat eater on land.

4. polar bears spend most of their time at sea.

5. Polar bears have 42 teeth.

The adventure to ferry med

kia ora on Wednesday  we had an adventure to ferry mead but first we had to hop on the bus it was room 5 and 6 who went on the bus to ferry mead.Room 5 and 6 got put into groups we had parent help.
 Stella´s poppa Wayan came to help Carys,Stella and me were all together  in a group.After we got on the bus we meet a guy called Robert he tall d us what we will be doing.So we walked with Robert
and he told us to get into old in day clothes.The girls wore dresses the coolers were:blue, green,red I was in blue.Then we got into are activity's the activity my group started with was  called the kings bakery in the bakery there was a lady she took us to wash are hands
in warm,soppy water that was in a bowl.After we washed are hands the lady took us to the kitchen and gave us a little piece of doe.She told us to play with it over the long long table when we were finished playing with the doe she told us to make shapes with it  then when we were finished we went to the school the school teacher was called miss black she  showed us the straps they used on children then we went out of the school and to the wash house we did different jobs there like:washing,making beds,dusting and inning.
When we were finished at the wash house we went to the general store then we meet Robert again he pretended he was someone else  and took us into the general store   that was fun! Then we went back to school it was fun I loved it.